Hestia helps to manage home care visits, accurately track employees’ time and attendance, and quickly generate the reports needed to ensure the client services are delivered on time.
The Visit Verification Service allows to track home care employees in real-time as they clock-in and clock-out from their client’s home.
The unique caller verification feature ensures all calls are verified, providing information of exactly who is calling and where they are calling from, even when the call is from a blocked number.
Office staff can use Hestia's on-demand reports feature to generate in real-time numerous Microsoft Excel based reports, including Time and Attendance Reports, Timesheet Reports, Billing Reports, and Missed Visit Reports. The reports are downloaded quickly and securely.
How it works
- At the start of a home care visit the home health care employee clocks-in to a client visit by calling Hestia and entering their unique passcode. Then Hestia’s Task-Trak system informs the employee of the home care services they are scheduled to perform for their client based on the client’s care plan. The entire process takes on average 30 seconds.
- At the end of the home care visit the employee calls back Hestia and confirms with Hestia which tasks were done when they clock-out.
- Back at the home care office, managers and schedulers can use Hestia’s secure web portal to see in real-time as their home health care field employees clock-in and out of their visits and know immediately when visits start and end, visit durations, and the services provided.
- Office staff are notified in real-time by Hestia’s alerts sent via the web portal, email or SMS when field staff are late, miss visits completely, leave early or otherwise deviate from their schedules.